Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Day, A Treasured Mess!

Today, I am determined to begin my blog! This will be the final of many failed attempts, due to lingering insecurities. There is that small voice always forcing itself to be heard ( I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about ....maybe you have your own ), the one that says, " What could you possibly have to write about? Your life is a dull, hot mess girl! " ...Ah yes, so many times I have surrendered to that crafty little dream killing voice, but not today! This is a new day my friends! I am bound and determined to start 2012 with a spring in my step, the love of Christ in my heart, and a confidence that can only come from allowing myself to believe that I am who my Father says I am in the wonderful light of the cross!
Please do NOT misunderstand me ....I would never dare lead you to believe that I have it all figured out, and all the rough edges have suddenly and miraculously become smooth! Can I be perfectly honest and say that my life is still a hot mess? The difference in this day and all the others is not my circumstances, it is my heart. God is teaching me to accept that I am imperfect ( beautiful in His eyes...but imperfect non the less ), reassuring me that He sees my imperfections, and asking me to trust Him enough to let Him gently remove the chinks in my less than stellar armor in His time. To be honest, I am rather relieved because this takes a whole lot of pressure off of me! I'll just say it loud and clear : I am a MESS, and I can't fix myself!! ( I have been trying for 30 some years and it has not gone so well )
I come from a less than perfect family,( saying less than perfect might be a bit too kind ), I married a less than perfect man, we have three less than perfect children, we live in a less than perfect house, and attend a less than perfect church.( I apologize to any of our fellow church members who were not aware of this ) Still, amidst all of that I can tell you that life is still good, and beautiful, and that God is very good!
This is the wonder of my awesome God: His brilliant perfection shines best through my imperfections! He is the God of second ( and third and fourth ) chances. He is a God who is all about the project....the bigger the fixer-upper, the bigger the opportunity for Him to display the skill of His master hand! He is all about restoration and new beginnings! His most important restoration project was done on the cross as He gave His one and only Son to die on the cross, so that through Him we would have a way to be restored to right fellowship with the Father. ( Even then, He knew we couldn't fix our mess and He didn't ask us to! I do love my awesome God! )

John 3:16-17 says :
" For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. "

Deuteronomy 6:7 says :

For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.

I sincerely hope that these verses are as exciting to you as they are to me! They breathe healing truth into my life...the truth that God, in His infinite, and merciful wisdom, knew that we were an imperfect heap of mess, without any hope or possibility of fixing ourselves. Yet, He loved us while we were still an ugly mess, and made a way ( Jesus Christ ) for us to be made clean. His deepest desire is to be loved by us, and to make us into a new creation ....so much so that He calls us ( patiently, lovingly ) unto Himself, and even goes so far as to call us His treasured possession! Wow! The knowledge of that is so wonderful it gives me goosebumps!
So,whatever mess you are trying to clean up in your own strength today, and whatever lies your little inner voice is feeding you .....this is a new day my friend! I pray you will find renewed confidence and hope in the light of God's great love for you. Remember, you are His treasured possession! So, Let go, and let God!! <3

1 comment:

  1. Could not have been said any better. Ditto for me also.
